Independent Contractors: Insurance Coverage Needed
As an independent contractor, there are different kinds of insurance coverage’s that are a necessity in order to protect yourself and your business financially. These are top coverage considerations to consider:
- Errors and Omissions
- This kind of insurance is best for contractors who provide consulting and advice, such as accountants, financial planners, interior designers, and landscape architects, need to be concerned about liability risks due to losses a client may experience as a result of the contractor’s recommendations.
- Bodily Injury and Property Damage
- This kind of insurance is best for contractors who work with heavy machinery and tools, such as plumbers, re-modelers, and electricians. This coverage is good for those who are concerned with mishaps due to hazards such as power tools, defective machinery, and compressed gas.
- Product and Liquor Liabilities
- This kind of insurance is best for contractors who serve food and alcohol at functions and who might has a concern with potential injuries and illnesses due to food and alcohol served.
- Medical and Disability
- This kind of insurance is best for contractors who are not on a group plan to cover their own injuries, which can leave you exposed to a loss of income risk if you should become ill or injured.
Getting the right insurance can give you and your business the right protection it needs. Please call your friendly customer service representative to add any of these coverage’s onto your policy or to get a quote with these coverages.