Small Business Saturday in Massachusetts

Lucy is a licensed property & casualty agent who has been working in the insurance industry for more than 30 years. She has recently earned her CISR designation.

November 30th, 2019 marks Small Business Saturday in Massachusetts and across the country

Did you know there are more than 30.2 million small businesses in the U.S., with over 550,000 in Massachusetts alone? That’s a lot of places to shop, dine, and contact for help with various needs and projects!

Small Business Saturday means a lot to everyone here at C&S, since we ourselves are an independent insurance agency. We believe this day is all about supporting local businesses who, in turn, support your community: youth sports, town arts, emergency services, senior centers, not to mention local job seekers. The big chains probably aren’t marching in your town’s holiday parade or delivering supplies to your school’s PTO. Besides, why give your business to a big-box store or a national company when you can get some of the best quality items/services right next door?

In the past, we’ve compiled holiday gift-giving guides (for Father’s Day and Mother’s Day) that feature some A+ local businesses. As a nod to Small Business Saturday in Massachusetts, we wanted to again profile two local standouts. Help us #shopsmall by reading about, following, and sharing hometown success stories like these:

Trudel’s Auction Gallery


Known as “The Best Little Auction in Massachusetts” Trudel’s Auction Gallery is a family-run auction house and estate sales company in Bellingham, MA. Started by Guy Sr., his wife, and son Guy Jr. nineteen years ago, this small business has been able to keep up with the constantly changing market while serving their customers the best way they know how. Trudel’s aims to make it easy and efficient for clients to move and sell valuable items. Whether these antiques are in your house or the home of a loved one, they staff a house photographer, a computer graphic layout designer and special event public relations coordinator, as well a moving specialist to carefully transport your items to the auction house.


Guy Jr. discusses the “quick pickup” system the gallery runs, and explains how the service made it easy for Trudel’s to thrive. “What people love most about the auction gallery is that you can’t find similar art in retail,” he says.  The unique pieces the Trudels curate make shopping a truly special experience for decorators, gift givers, and art collectors.

As for running the small business with his mother and father, Guy Jr. says they never experienced any obstacles when they were first starting out (amazing!). But, he adds, truly loving what you do makes any kind of business ownership a lot easier. His family’s passion for art and antiques has kept the business alive and made it a favorite destination among his growing clientele.

Want to attend a Trudel’s auction? Of course you do! Give their pages a follow to keep up with items as they come in and get the latest auction schedules: Instagram: @trudelsauctiongallery    Facebook: @trudels_auction_gallery

Smitherz Landscape, Inc.

Smitherz Inc. is a successful landscape and roll-off business servicing all of southeastern Massachusetts. Josh Smith started his business right after he graduated from college in 2004. At the time, he was just a one-man grass-cutting operation. Since then he has greatly expanded his team and service menu. Today, Smitherz essentially operates three businesses, offering numerous services that range from residential lawn care and commercial landscaping, to hardscape design/install, hydroseeding, snow and ice management, and much more.

As the company has seen much growth over the years, Smith discusses how this was not always the easiest journey for him as an owner. Being a big saver, he was able to purchase necessary equipment with cash and able to employ a reliable staff to oversee the multiple projects he juggles at one time. However, even with his staff, Josh finds himself wearing multiple hats throughout his workday to make sure every project is completed efficiently and thoroughly.

Josh states that cashflow has been the biggest obstacle he’s faced with owning his own business. He advises those who may want to start a similar business to be smart about the money. “There are a lot of expenses in this line of work, but if you want to do it, just do it,” Smith says. “By doing what you say you’re going to do, you will always be successful.” It is through this exact mindset that he has been able to build such a solid reputation in southeastern Massachusetts.  Smith doesn’t believe in offering the cheapest prices just to get the job; instead, he makes sure he’s consistently delivering high-quality work.

If you have any lawn or maintenance needs, be sure to visit the Smitherz Landscape website and check out Smitherz on Facebook: @smitherzlandscape,inc

And again, there are hundreds of businesses like these we could highlight and celebrate. If you’d like to be one, drop us a line at!

Meanwhile, Happy Small Business Saturday Massachusetts!!

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