Laura DePietro’s journey began in the late ’90s. Initially taking on a temporary role at a small agency, Laura was tasked with a job doing data entry. Little did she know, this was the first step on a path that would lead to a vast career in the industry.

From there Laura climbed the ranks, transitioning from a Small Business/Select Account Manager to overseeing some of the largest accounts the agency had to offer. Her expertise and commitment soon became a beacon for clients, guiding them through the intricate maze of commercial insurance with ease.

What truly sets Laura apart is not just her professional acumen, but the genuine joy she derives from her job. For her, every business is a new story, a fresh challenge. She cherishes the process of understanding varied industries, building rapport, and forging trusting, enduring bonds with clients. Laura firmly believes in providing tailored insurance solutions, ensuring every business owner has the peace of mind to rest easy, knowing they are comprehensively protected.

Outside of insurance, Laura shares an unparalleled love for her sister’s dog, Squishy, treating the furry companion as if it were her own. A true New Englander at heart, Laura’s loyalties lie with the Red Sox and Dunkin’, though she never misses a chance to bask in the sun, whether it’s the local beach or the sands of Hawaii.

A testament to her dedication to professional growth, Laura boasts certifications like CIC, AAI, and AIS and is ardently working towards acquiring the CPCU.

Contact Laura